Frequently Asked Questions
How can I order Cepi proficiency samples?
Send an email using the CONTACT fields and we will provide you with a an overview of available tests and levels and their prices.
Which tests can I get?
There are over 100 tests available for pulp, paper, board, corrugated board, tissue, labels and the lab environment. Go to this page for the different groups and find under each group all individual tests.
Which are the levels I can get for each test?
Check the list of properties or look at the test specific web page for all available levels.
How many rounds are organized per year?
The Round Robin is organized in full two times per year, including a pretest round where the Warning Limits and Action Limits for each test and level are determined. On request, you can get samples throughout the year up to a maximum of 6 rounds per year.
Do I have to sign up for the full year?
You normally sign-up in the beginning of the year for one, two, or more rounds for that year. If you sign up later in the year special costs may be charged or some samples for specific test may not be available anymore.
What is the size of the samples?
The dimensions of the samples depend on the type of test and are normally provided suitable for the standard test instruments. The dimensions can be found in the list of available properties and in the test specific weg page.
For several tests special dimensions can be ordered, for other tests the sizes are fixed due to material availability or randomization constraints. Note that for some special sizes it may not be possible to randomize the materials together with the regular sizes, so the Cepi-A value may deviate slightly.
In the properties list you will find if special sizes are possible and what is the maximum size available.
What if the test or level which I want is not in the list?
Because of the principle behind the organisation of the Cepi CTS round robins, it is not possible to include all possible tests (see also organisation). However in case you have the need for a test which is not mentioned in the list you can contact us via the CONTACT page, or directly by email, and we can investigate if your request is already in the list of potential new tests (or levels) and thus may be available within short. If not, we will investigate the potential and see if there are sufficient qualified laboratories to support the introduction. Last but not least we can bring you in contact with one of the partner laboratories which may organize a round robin independent from the Cepi Comparative Testing Service which includes the requested test.